Bishop Investing Group

Real Estate Syndication Returns: A Guide For Investors

Real Estate Syndication Returns

When it comes to your financial goals, investment returns stand among the most important factors to consider, alongside risk and the level of involvement required of you. Understanding your options is the first step toward bridging your current situation and your financial or lifestyle goals. 

Venturing into the world of real estate investing, particularly real estate syndications, can open the door to exciting and profitable opportunities. As an investor, understanding how syndication works and the types of returns you can expect is crucial to making informed investment decisions. 

Let’s explore the concept of real estate syndication and how syndication returns can help investors start generating passive income and wealth.

Real Estate Syndication: Understanding The Basics

Real estate syndications are powerful investment models where multiple investors pool their financial and other resources to acquire and manage real estate properties they might not be able to afford or manage individually. In this collective effort, each investor owns a share proportional to their investment, and consequently, each receives a portion of the income the property generates, along with a portion of the profits when the property is eventually sold.

The overseer in this model of real estate investing is called a syndicator, sponsor or operator. This is an experienced real estate professional responsible for identifying profitable investment opportunities, managing the acquisition process, overseeing the property’s management, executing the business plan, and eventually, its disposition, or sale. The investors, in turn, provide the necessary capital and share in the profits without having to engage in the day-to-day operations.

Understanding the potential returns from real estate syndications is fundamental to evaluating whether an investment opportunity aligns with your financial goals. These returns have the potential to be higher than traditional investment avenues, making real estate syndication an attractive investment strategy, especially for investors looking to grow their wealth passively.

How Can Real Estate Syndication Benefit My Portfolio?

Real Estate Syndication is Crucial Investment Strategy

Real estate syndications have emerged as a great option for property investors searching for the right blend of risk and return. Syndication can balance these elements for the right investor and offer unique advantages. Here’s why many experienced and new investors choose syndications:

Portfolio Diversification 

Real estate syndications provide an opportunity to invest in a range of properties, from commercial spaces and multifamily housing to luxury resorts, as well as geographic locations and sponsors. This portfolio diversification reduces risk and creates opportunities for returns.

For instance, the diversification offered by syndications might allow you to participate in a thriving multifamily property in Austin, a high-traffic retail center in Atlanta, and a burgeoning office complex in Denver, all in one portfolio.

Passive Income Generation

Syndications typically distribute rental income to investors on a regular schedule, offering a consistent passive income stream. Consider a property generating $1 million in annual net operating income with investors each holding a 5% share. Each investor would receive $50,000 annually, providing a regular income stream without the daily management headaches.

Profitable Returns 

Syndications, due to their scale and the efficiency of experienced syndicators, have the potential to yield higher returns than other real estate investments. For instance, if a syndicate purchased a property at $10 million and sold it five years later for $15 million, the $5 million profit, excluding costs, translates into substantial returns for investors.

Access to Large-Scale Deals

Through real estate syndication, you can access lucrative real estate deals typically reserved for institutional investors. For example, a $20 million commercial property might be out of reach for most individual investors but can be accessed through a syndicate pooling resources from a group of investors.

Expertise Leverage

Real estate syndication allows investors to benefit from the sponsor’s industry knowledge, strategic approach, and extensive network. This is akin to having an experienced CEO run a company in which you’re a shareholder.

For example, a seasoned sponsor might have special insights into emerging markets, niche property types or value add strategies, driving enhanced investment performance.

Tax Benefits

Real estate syndications can offer significant tax advantages, such as depreciation deductions, which can offset a portion of the income generated by the property, thereby lowering your tax liability. For instance, a $10 million building with a 27.5-year depreciation schedule generates around $363,636 in annual depreciation deductions, providing a substantial tax shield.

Inflation Hedge

Real estate, with its tendency to appreciate in value and command higher rents over time, serves as a strong hedge against inflation. If inflation leads to increased rental rates, a syndicate owning a rental property will see its revenue increase, thereby protecting investors’ purchasing power.

How Are Returns Generated in Real Estate Syndications?

How to Generate Returns from Real Estate Syndication Deals

In a syndication investment, returns come from three primary sources: rental income, property appreciation, and tax benefits. Let’s take a closer look at each of these:

Rental Income

One of the ways real estate syndications generate returns is through rental income. Once a property is acquired and rented out, the rental payments collected become a source of income for the syndicate. This income is then distributed among the investors based on their ownership share. For instance, if you hold a 10% stake in a syndicate that collects $10,000 monthly in rental income, you’d receive $1,000 each month before expenses.

Property Appreciation

The second source of returns is the appreciation of property value over time. As property values generally increase over time due to inflation and market growth, this can lead to substantial profits when the property is sold. For example, if a syndicate purchases a property for $1 million and sells it five years later for $1.5 million, that’s a $500,000 profit (excluding costs), which is then distributed to the investors.

Syndicates can also use forced appreciation strategies by increasing income or reducing expenses which lead to a higher asset value, generate higher rental yield, and increase investors equity in the asset. 

Tax Benefits

Finally, real estate syndications provide various tax benefits that can boost your effective returns. These include deductions for property depreciation, mortgage interest, and operating expenses, along with benefits from 1031 exchanges and Opportunity Zone investments. These tax benefits effectively lower the amount of income tax you owe, increasing your net return.

In the context of real estate syndication, these sources of returns translate into two types of distributions for investors: regular cash flow distributions from rental income and a final distribution from the sale of the property. Understanding how these returns are generated helps you evaluate syndication opportunities and predict potential income streams from your investments.

Components of Syndication Returns

Components of Syndication Returns

Understanding the returns from syndication investments involves more than just looking at the potential profits. There are several key components you need to be aware of, each offering a different perspective on the performance of the investment. Let’s take a look at the four major components:

Cash-on-Cash Return

This is a straightforward metric that measures the annual return you receive based on the cash income earned on your cash invested. For example, if you invest $100,000 into a property syndicate and receive $8,000 in cash distributions in a year, your cash-on-cash return would be 8%.

Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

IRR provides a broader view of your investment’s performance by accounting for the time value of money. It measures the average annual return earned over the life of the investment, considering both regular cash flow distributions and the profit from the eventual sale of the property.

Equity Multiple

This metric tells you how much your initial investment has multiplied over the investment period. For example, an equity multiple of 2.0x indicates that you have received twice the amount of your original investment. This includes cash flow during the holding period and profits at the sale.

Capitalization Rate (Cap Rate, CAP) 

The cap rate is used to assess a real estate investment’s value and potential return. It is the ratio of the property’s net operating income to its market value. A higher cap rate indicates a higher potential return and is often used to compare different investment opportunities.

Each of these components offers unique insights into your investment’s performance. Therefore, when evaluating real estate syndication opportunities, it’s essential to consider all these components, not just one or two. By doing so, you gain a more holistic understanding of the potential returns and can better determine if an opportunity aligns with your investment goals.

Factors Influencing Syndication Returns

Factors Influencing Syndication Returns

Just like any other investment, returns from real estate syndications can be influenced by various factors. Identifying and understanding these factors can give you a clearer picture of the risks involved and the potential performance of your investment. Here are the key factors you should consider:

Property Location and Market Conditions

The location of the property and the health of the local real estate market significantly impact returns. Properties in thriving markets with strong demand, low vacancy rates, and steady rent increases often provide better returns.

Quality of Property Management

The team managing the property plays a critical role in driving returns. Good property managers maintain high occupancy rates, minimize operating costs, and maximize rental income, all of which contribute to higher cash flow and passive income returns for the investor.

Economic Factors and Interest Rates

Macroeconomic conditions like job growth, population growth, and interest rates can influence property values and rental rates. For instance, low-interest rates can reduce borrowing costs and increase property values, leading to higher returns.

Leverage and Debt Service

The amount of debt used to finance the property and the cost of that debt (interest rate) can significantly affect returns. While leverage can boost returns, it can also increase risk if not managed properly.

Now, let’s see how you can analyze and evaluate syndication returns. This will help you make informed decisions and choose the right opportunities that align with your investment goals. 

Analyzing and Evaluating Syndication Returns

Analyzing and Evaluating Syndication Returns

The art of investing lies in the ability to analyze and evaluate potential returns. In real estate syndication, this involves several critical steps:

Due Diligence

This is the first step in evaluating any real estate syndication deal. It involves checking the credibility of the sponsor, the legitimacy of the deal, and the viability of the property. Always remember to verify the information provided to you.

Understanding the Pro Forma

The sponsor typically provides a pro forma, which is an estimate of expected income, expenses, and potential returns. Review this document thoroughly and understand the assumptions behind the projections. If these assumptions seem unrealistic, the estimated returns may be too optimistic.

Risk vs. Return Trade-off

Higher returns often come with higher risk. Therefore, evaluate the potential returns in relation to the risks involved. Assess factors like property location, market conditions, debt levels, and property management quality, as discussed earlier.

Compare Real Estate Syndication Opportunities

Don’t jump into the first deal that comes your way. Instead, compare multiple syndication opportunities and evaluate each based on the projected returns, associated risks, investment horizon, and your personal financial goals.

Learning to effectively analyze and evaluate syndication returns is a skill that develops over time and with experience. As you gain more knowledge and become familiar with the process, you’ll be better equipped to spot great investment opportunities.

Tips to Maximize Real Estate Syndication Returns From Initial Investment

Tips to Maximize Real Estate Syndication Returns From Initial Investment

Below are some tips to help you get the most out of your investments.

  • Choose the Right Partner/Sponsor: A competent, experienced sponsor can significantly influence your syndication returns. Look for sponsors with a solid track record, strong market knowledge, and transparent communication.
  • Invest in Prime Locations: Properties in thriving markets with robust job growth, population increase, and strong rental demand usually offer better cash flow returns. Research the location thoroughly before investing.
  • Diversify Your Portfolio: Just as with any investment, diversifying your real estate syndication portfolio can help mitigate risk and increase potential returns. Consider investing in different property types in various locations with multiple sponsors.
  • Understand the Power of Leverage: Leveraging, or using borrowed capital to finance part of your investment, can enhance your returns. However, it’s a double-edged sword. Too much debt can increase the risk, so it’s crucial to find the right balance.
  • Stay Patient and Long-Term Focused: Real estate investing is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It requires patience and a long-term perspective. Often, the most significant returns come from holding onto properties and benefiting from rental income (cash flow) and price appreciation over time.

Final Thoughts on Real Estate Syndication Returns

Recap on Real Estate Syndication Returns

Successful investors understand that knowledge is power. By understanding how real estate syndication works and adopting these strategies, you can maximize your returns and achieve your investment goals. As we conclude, we hope you now have a better grasp of real estate syndication returns and feel confident about venturing into this exciting investment arena. 

Real estate professionals and investors are consistently coming up with new avenues to create and increase wealth in the industry. The actual value of real estate syndication investments is creating wealth for investors without having them spend valuable time trying to set it up and execute it. 

Having a competent and experienced partner is important to achieve success in syndication investments. Get in touch with Bishop Investing Group and talk to us about how to get started growing your wealth with syndicated investments today. 

Bishop Investing Group: Your Syndication Partners

Bishop Investing Group guides limited partners through the portfolio selection process, while industry professionals manage the properties and oversee the sale of real estate assets. Investors simply need to complete the subscription agreements and fund the investment.

Real estate syndication deals are a good way to grow your wealth passively. But, successful syndication deals are much more attainable by professionals in the field. You need a partner who understands the concept of syndication, but more importantly, a partner who has intimate knowledge of the real estate market to assure viable investment and investment returns. Bishop Investing Group is that Partner. We’d love to hear about your investment journey and goals. We can help you get there. Book a call with us today.

5 Frequently Asked Questions about Real Estate Syndication Returns

Highlighting frequently asked questions on syndication returns

How does a real estate syndication company distribute the remaining cash flow as returns to its investors?

A real estate syndication company typically distributes returns from two sources: regular cash flow distributions and profit from sales. The remaining cash flow from rental income, after paying expenses and servicing debt, is distributed among investors on a regular basis, most often either monthly or quarterly. The profit from the sale of the property is shared among investors at the end of the investment period.

How are the returns from my real estate investment in syndication taxed?

The returns from your real estate syndication investment are typically taxed as ordinary income. However, real estate offers several tax benefits that can lower your tax burden, such as deductions for mortgage interest, depreciation, and operating expenses. Moreover, long-term capital gains from the sale of the property are usually taxed at a lower rate.

How does the compensation structure of a property management team in a real estate syndication impact my returns?

The compensation structure of the property management team, which often includes an acquisition fee, asset management fee, and a share in the profit (the “promote”), can significantly affect your returns. A higher promote means the team gets a larger share of profits, potentially reducing your overall returns. It’s important to understand this structure when considering potential returns. An experienced sponsor will bake their compensation into the pro forma, meaning any returns that are modeled to you/presented in the investment deck will have already taken into account the sponsor’s compensation.

What strategies can I adopt to maximize my returns from multifamily investment opportunities in real estate syndication?

To maximize returns, consider strategies such as choosing a reputable and experienced real estate syndication company, investing in syndications located in high-growth markets, diversifying your portfolio across various types of properties including multifamily opportunities, understanding the use of leverage, and maintaining a long-term investment perspective. Regular reviews of the property’s performance and understanding of market trends can also aid in making informed investment decisions.



Real estate investing comes with a variety of risks including rising interest rates, lower than expected occupancy and the operator’s failure to execute the renovation and rental increase business plan. Real estate investments are also illiquid which means there is no readily available market for an investor to sell their interest in a real estate syndication. Investors are typically required to be deemed an accredited investor. As with any investment, there is the risk that the entire investment may be lost.


Mike Bishop

About The Author - Mike Bishop

Michael is a successful business owner who is active in the commercial real estate syndication space. With a deeply rooted passion for personal finance and wealth management, he developed a secondary passion for real estate shortly after starting his professional career. In the summer of 2017, he founded Bishop Investing Group, backed by the purpose of helping individuals achieve financial freedom and grow generational wealth through passive investments in commercial real estate syndications.

He has helped raise significant capital to assist in acquiring several commercial real estate properties in the multifamily, self-storage, and mobile home park space. Markets in which he is active and exploring future opportunities are Dallas-Fort Worth, San Antonio, Austin, Orlando, Atlanta, and Phoenix, among others.

He prides himself on, and thoroughly enjoys, building long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with his investor partners. He values, above all else, providing a great customer service experience and being readily accessible to those who depend on him.

Michael moved to Austin, TX in 2014 after graduating from Indiana university with a degree in economics and mathematics. He lives there with his wife and their two dogs, all whom enjoy an active lifestyle and exploring the great outdoors of the Texas state capital.

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